Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mugshot #14 - Linda "Goldie" Nickles

Linda "Goldie" Nickles invited the HHG into her home for a meet and greet. Can you imagine standing on the back patio looking over the marshland as the sun was setting, chatting about the view with Neil Hollingsworth, and his lovely wife Karen. The chattering voices, from inside this beautiful home, spilled onto the patio as Karin Jurick told stories, and greeted her then unknown, Hilton Head Gang. Surreal, out of body experience is how I would describe my elated soul at that moment. Thank you Linda for your most generous, and gracious hospitality.


  1. wow, you nailed her profile! nice!

    skipping #13?

  2. Thank you Cathy, and I loved painting her hair.

  3. Wow, great job, Roxanne! I hope the situation never arises, but if I ever get in trouble, I want my police mug to look like this! Seriously, I loved the sentiment you wrote . . . I am very touched. Thank you!

  4. This is one of my favorites. Great job.

  5. Excellent job Dawn. One of my great regrets is that I didn't make it to Linda's reception that night. Wonderful description!
