Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Self Portrait

I love the way my paint strokes are becoming more deliberate and loose. As when I painted my mug the first time, in this second painting, I did not see my facial features as much as I saw the shapes, values, and intensities.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Growth as an Artist....

First mugshot of HHG member, Karin, painted in Nov 2011.

Painted Karin's mug again, after painting 21 different mugs.
I thought you might enjoy seeing my growth or whatever we artists prefer to call it, when our technique changes over time, resulting in a different look. I prefer the word growth. I painted our HHG members, all twenty one of us, over the past six months, and I am happy with the direction my brush is moving, loose, alla prima paint strokes, better values and intensities, and best of all, a better understanding of what I am seeing. I highly recommend a mugshot exercise.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mugshot #21 - Vince "The Organizer"

This is my last HHG Mugshot #21 of, may I say,  a very handsome Vince "The Organizer". He quietly kept our gang organized, and our workshop a success. Thank you Vince.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mugshot #20 - Maria "The Enforcer" Hock

Maria "The Enforcer" Hock is the ringleader of our HHG. She is our bonding agent of enthusiasm that relentlessly keeps each of us in check, and I personally, would like to thank her for maintaining the HHG. Thank you Maria.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mugshot #19 - Allyson "Sundance" Schilb

 Mugshot #19 - Allyson Sundance" Schilb is the second to last of our HHG to be painted. Sad, to see the HHG mugshots coming to an end. The experience was as unforgettable as these wonderful friends.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mugshot # 18 - Kit "The Rebel" Hefner

I'm back to painting the HHG Mugshots. Painting Kit "The Rebel" Hefner's mug proved to be quite a challenge, as she made a cute, puckered lips, and evil kind of stare face when posing for her mugshot.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mugshot #17 - Judy "Fashionista" Elias

Judy "Fashionista" Elias is a petite blond branding a digital camera on Hilton Head Island. Beware of this beautifully dressed lady, possibly digitally dangerous.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mugshot #16 - Diane "The Flash" Howard

Diane "The Flash" (or not) Howard is a master of not using her flash to get proper shadows, lights and dark. She is a master of color manipulation and can mask any subject to make them seem anonymous, and uses this darkness to escape the authorities.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Knobby Knees

Knobby Knees is my submission to this weeks DPW's challenge, Horsing Around. That is exactly what I found myself doing with the paint, horsin' around!

Check it out at www.dailypaintworks.com.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mugshot #15- Sheryl "Red" Lott

Sheryl "Red" Lott is our HHG's mugshot #15. Hard to believe we, as a gang, have not held a meeting in almost four months. Sheryl has remained at large since that time, as she was last seen leaving the Island. I need to request permission from a HHG authority member before I divulge any additional information as to Sheryl's whereabouts, or the color of her danger alert status.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Look out Bo Derek, there is a new TEN in town. Well, actually, he is 13 and was on vacation with his human dad and his very much younger brother. I was entranced watching the two bro's play in the ocean, being in the moment......priceless!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Basil Rosemary

This little lady with the "thousand mile stare" is my studio buddy named Basil Rosemary. She is a Pit Bull adopted from the streets of Lancaster by my son in law, over ten years ago. She is the sweetest dog, and loves pink, don't ask me how I know, I just do, and I have to remind her that pink in not in her color wheel. Thanks Kel, love and miss you.

Painting is available through the Daily Paintwork's Challenge - Best Friend.(http://www.dailypaintworks.com/challenges)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mugshot #13 - Cathy "The Traveler" Engberg

Cathy "The Traveler" Engberg is well traveled member of the HHG, last spotted, and digitally shooting in Chicago. Be wary, as rumor has it, behind this kind, and unassuming face, danger may lurk.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mugshot #14 - Linda "Goldie" Nickles

Linda "Goldie" Nickles invited the HHG into her home for a meet and greet. Can you imagine standing on the back patio looking over the marshland as the sun was setting, chatting about the view with Neil Hollingsworth, and his lovely wife Karen. The chattering voices, from inside this beautiful home, spilled onto the patio as Karin Jurick told stories, and greeted her then unknown, Hilton Head Gang. Surreal, out of body experience is how I would describe my elated soul at that moment. Thank you Linda for your most generous, and gracious hospitality.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mugshot #12 - Dawn "The Shadow" Hartigan

Dawn "The Shadow" Hartigan is so named because she is deceptively quiet. she sneaks in with an unassuming look and an unsuspecting public can expect to be exposed. shots will be fired in rapid succession and before you know it "The Shadow" has moved to her next victim. Paintings will be painted, shown in galleries, and bought by people you don't even know. You could actually be hanging in someone else's home without your knowledge. You won't even know....only "The Shadow" knows...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

White on White Challenge

This guy is my heart, my Samoyed named Sully with his favorite stuffed bear, affectionately named Mini-me. Note the resemblance! I am submitting my painting into this weeks Daily Paintworks Challenge, White on White.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hilton Head Mugshot #11 - Terri Buchholz "Bones"

Hmmm.... Terri Buchholz aka "Bones" scoured our Hilton Head workshop under the guise of Nurse Terri. Rumor has it that she is a prolific undercover photographer and painter, always in search of unsuspecting subjects to digitally capture and to relentlessly paint them. Armed and dangerous with laughter.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mugshot #10 - Betsy "Eagle Eye" Stevenson

I had the good fortune of sitting with Betsy at Karin's workshop. No need to worry about Betsy "Eagle Eye" Stevenson "gang" status as she is a beautiful southern lady in every way. And, besides she may not be driving a reliable car, so she won't be able to catch you if you should feel the need to escape her shutter snaps.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sedona Arizona Art Show is on!

As a member of the Hilton Head Gang, I am proud to announce that we, as a notorious gang, are hanging with Karin Jurick at the Sedona Arts Center. Well, at least our art is hanging with her art in a show entitled "A Sense of Place". 

The show opened today and will continue to run through February 14, with an ArtWalk and opening reception on February 3. So if you are in the Sedona area, please stop by and support the arts.

Thanks to my friend Regula Sheifele for allowing us to use her sign, and check out her blog, amazing works.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mugshot #9 - Chris "the Moniker" Werst

Chris "the Moniker" Werst is notorious among our gang, as she befriends the unsuspecting, immortalizes them digitally, and then she is gone. As of this post, she remains blog-less!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sedona Arts Center Exhibition

We, the Hilton Head Gang, have been asked to participate in the Sedona Arts Center Exhibition, and I am happy to report an outstanding number of the gang have committed to submit their best. Our pieces are part of the "A Sense of Place" Field Expeditions show representing a workshop taken with Karin Jurick.

The show's opening is January 25, with a special exhibition on Sedona's "First Friday" Artwalk and reception on February 3. The exhibit will continue through February 14th.

My submission is entitled "Grounded", a 6 x 6 oil on panel, framed in a Randy Higbee "Durango" Floater Frame.  This piece can be purchased by visiting the show at the Sedona Arts Center, Arizona, or by calling Vince Fazio at 928.282.3809.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mugshot #8 - Nancy "The Guradian" Darling

Nancy "The Guardian" Darling is a hero to me. Dogs are my heart, and Nancy works with rescue dogs. I heard she and her pack are on their way to the Iditarod. Nancy if you read this, please take Sully Freebird, my Samoyed, and me along. I promise we will be good....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This lovely young lady's kite may be grounded for the moment, but what will seem like a whisper of a moment, her kite will be sailing high....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mugshot #7 - Roxanne "the Streak" Duke

Of all the mugshots I have painted since November, painting myself proved to be the most difficult. The challenge proved to be seeing only shapes, and not to see my mom's lips, nor my dad's nose, and  especially, the avoidance of seeing the "Oops there went gravity" signs.